So if you been following my posts on social media like on Facebook and Quora, you know we found out Vernon's approximate age. He had his dental done last week, and that is how vets tell how old a cat is.
According to his dental, where they examine and clean his mouth, the vet aged him between 5-8 years old. When we first got Vernon, the shelter said they thought he was around 5 or 6, but after having him in our house for a few days, we thought he was much younger.
So in case you haven't read Vernon's story yet, here is a little bit about our new addition. He came to us as a foster last month, because he needed to get blood work, and the above dental done before he could be adopted.
Both the blood work and dental were scheduled for earlier this month, and the shelter was looking for a home for him until then. Our plan was to foster and adopt, all that is left to do now is fill out the paperwork.
So Vernon is between 5-8 years old, that is still hard to believe. Our girl Topsy is 6, and in what world is she possibly younger than Vernon. He totally acts like the much younger brother to her already.
If you want to see examples of how old Topsy and Vernon act, all you have to do is view my reels on Instagram and Facebook, and don't forget my shorts on Youtube. Vernon is constantly running around and playing when he isn't sleeping or eating.
Exhibit A: Lightning Vern
The above video is just one of several that show how much Vernon acts like a kitten. So if he really is 5,6,7, or 8, then way does he continue to act like a kitten. Experts say it's in there nature.
Although our girl Topsy rarely plays unless provoke to, Vernon will just find his favorite toy and start playing. Our last cat Philly lived to be 14, and he also didn't play much, but he would play on his own, so even at 13 he was acting like a kitten.
In fact our Philly in his hay day was a big cat, and once he got stomach cancer he lost weight rapidly. He fought it off for 7 months, and before he got real sick, he was still very active, and slim.
Philly started jumping on counters and doing stuff he couldn't do when he was a much bigger cat. It is like reverted back to his kitten days, before he was called to Rainbow Bridge. He was something else those first few months of his wait loss. "Wow I can do this," that was his expression every time he jump high up on the counter or a high piece of furniture.
So if Vernon is 5, are we to expect this sort of behavior for many years to come. For more about cats and why the act like kittens, read the article below. It goes into great detail about cats being bored, wanting attention, among others.
I know for fact Vernon jumps on our kitchen counter for that very thing. Most of the time it is because he is bored or hungry. The problem is he is full of energy like a kitten.